SPH ThermBooster™ – related services

SPH Managing Directors Andreas Mück and Dr. Tim Hamacher

We combine our automotive and refrigeration expertise to help you incorporate our heat pumps into your production environment.


We analyse the options for incorporating heat pumps into your application jointly with you and align objectives. If you require, we can advise you on enhancing your application to enable our heat pumps to be utilised, so that we collectively can get the most out of your application.

  • Assessment of site-specific constraints for your application (temperatures, energy flows etc.)
  • Definition of objectives and performance: assessment and benchmarking of economic, technical, environmental and efficiency objectives
  • Advice on enhancing constraints at your site to achieve the best possible results
  • Preliminary revenue and cost estimates

System Configuration

We configure the optimum heat pump for your application from our modular toolkit. We select the appropriate components and heat transfer media for you.

  • Selection of appropriate components to provide the optimum solution
  • Design and engineering of the optimum technical solution for your application
  • Assessment and selection of suitable heat transfer media
  • Detailed technical documentation including installation guidelines


We manufacture your heat pump, deliver and install it at your site and then commission it.

  • Production of the technical solution matched to your application
  • Transportation and delivery as per your requirements
  • On-site installation supervision, if necessary
  • Commissioning service


We also provide you with post-commissioning support: our service includes operation and maintenance training, 24/7 remote monitoring on request, as well as spare parts service. Service contracts are also available.

  • Practical operator training on site
  • Service and maintenance training
  • 24/7 remote monitoring with a range of options:
    • Repairs
    • Preventive maintenance
    • Risk-based maintenance
    • Condition-based maintenance
  • Spare parts service and hotline
  • Service contracts on request
Contact us directly

We provide you with specific advice and support throughout the entire project process up to commissioning and beyond – including service, maintenance and remote monitoring.

Geschäftsführer, Dr. Tim Hamacher
Managing Director

Dr. Tim Hamacher

Geschäftsführer, Andreas Mück
Managing Director

Andreas Mück

Frank vom Hofe, Kaufmännischer Leiter, CFO

Frank vom Hofe

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International award for AHEAD project with SPH participation

The AHEAD (Advanced Heat Pump Demonstrator) research project by pharmaceutical manufacturer Takeda has received the Net-Zero Industries Award 2023. The prize is awarded by the global initiative “Mission Innovation – Net-Zero Industries (MI-NZI)” and honours solutions and innovations that accelerate the use of technologies to decarbonize industry. An independent international jury of experts selected the winners from almost 70 submissions. The AHEAD project won the national prize for Austria in the “Outstanding Projects” category. Continue reading

And the winner is… SPH!

At this year’s business event “Wirtschaftsnacht Rheinland”, SPH prevailed among three finalists and won the prize in the “Start-up” category. The event, which was hosted by the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger Medien together with its partners, brings together representatives from business, finance, research and the media. This year, the award ceremony took place in the spectacular setting of the Cologne Musical Dome. Continue reading

Delivered: the first two ThermBooster™!

Israeli company UBQ Materials has patented the world’s first bio-based plastic made from 100 per cent unsorted household waste, including organic and non-recyclable materials. UBQ™ is a climate-friendly, cost-competitive and fully recyclable raw material that can be used as a sustainable replacement for plastic, wood or concrete. As a circular solution for waste, the material conserves natural resources and reduces the carbon footprint of end products – and is recyclable itself. Continue reading